
City, Vol. 28 (1-2)

With Thomas Cowan.

Claims on the City, Edited by Krishna, Phua, and Mathew. Lanham: Lexington Books.

Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, Vol. 41 (1). Open Access.

Economic & Political Weekly, Review of Urban Affairs, Vol. 58 (8)

With Pullanna Vidyapogu.

Intl. Journal of Urban & Regional Research, Vol. 45 (3). 

With Ryan Stock and Karan Misquitta.

Muslims in Telangana, Edited by Sudhir, Bari, Khan, and Shaban. Singapore: Springer Nature.

With Mohammad Sajjad Hussain, Harsha Devulapalli, and Anant Maringanti.

Signs and Society, Vol. 6 (3). Open Access.

This is Not an Atlas, Edited by Kollektiv Orangotango+. Berlin: Transcript. Open Access.

With Harsha Devulapalli.

The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, Volume 2. Edited by Alena Ledeneva. London: UCL Press. Open Access.

With Nikhilesh Sinha.

Report by Hyderabad Urban Lab, Hyderabad.

With Anindita Mukherjee.

Report by Education International, Brussels. Open Access.

With Sangeeta Kamat and Carol Anne Spreen.

City, Vol. 19 (2-3).

With Anant Maringanti.

Economic & Political Weekly, Review of Urban Affairs, Vol. 49 (48). Open Access.

With Sandeep Tanniru.

M.A. Thesis, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

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